Here’s my best guess… You’re smart. You’re empowered in your career. You take responsibility in your life. Your life is put together. 

You love adventure and want to live your life to the fullest.

But you’re tired. Exhausted even.

You may have physical issues you think are causing it…

…. but you know there’s something deeper.  There’s something missing.

The creativity and joy you exuded as a little girl maybe?

A sense of meaning and purpose in your work?

Deep, healthy connections with other people in your life?

Am I close?

And since you are so empowered in most areas of your life, you’re not looking for advice. You don’t need any more people telling you what to do.

You’re looking for that something that’s… missing.

If this is close, you’re in the right place!

Join the Non-advice for the Women Done Following to remember who you are and start following your breadcrumbs back to YOU.

Non-Advice for Women Done Following

anything but their soul.

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